Apple Pie and Icecream Cake

Its apple pie, but cake. How good is that?! Eat it hot with icecream, or chilled and frosted.


  • 2 cups Self Raising Flour

  • 2 Eggs

  • 2 tbsp Butterspread or Margarine

  • 2 tsp Vanilla Essence/flavouring

  • 2 tsp Ground Cinnamon

  • 1 cup Brown Sugar

  • 1 1/2 cup Milk

  • 400 grams (14oz) Apple Pie Fruit Tinned Apples, or freshly stewed if you prefer


  1. Preheat your oven to 170℃ (340℉) for Conventional Ovens. Fan forced and convection oven heats may vary.

  2. Cream together Butter and sugar, and then add eggs one at a time until combined. Mix on medium high speed until mixture has thickened.

  3. Add Vanilla, and Cinnamon, and mix gently till combined.

  4. Alternate flour and Milk, in approximately 1/3 cup amounts, mixing till just combined before adding more. Once combined, mix on medium high speed for 2 minutes.

  5. Add Apple to the mix (if in large pieces, chop into cubes), and fold through gently.

  6. Cake is done when the centre doesn’t bounce back (similar to Mudcake). Cool slightly before removing from cake tin, as cake will be very soft.


This is NOT a stacking or carving cake.  You can layer it (as I have above), but it is too soft for extended height tiers, or carving.  This cake is meant as a decadent tea cake, not a sturdy sponge.

Pairs ridiculously well with Vanilla or Caramel Buttercream, and would also take the addition of dried fruits and nuts well. This cake will easily keep in the fridge for a week, but may start to ‘leak’ to due high moisture content. Store cake in a ‘lipped’ container to avoid spillage. Alternatively, eat it all at once, and avoid the issue all together!


Strawberry Syrup


Vanilla Sponge Cake